Let's Find the -Ness
that Suits Them Best

Our comprehensive youth therapy approach starts with understanding the obstacles that are preventing your child from thriving at home, in school, and socially. From that knowledge, we then create a unique mix of support, interventions, and tools that will help them reach their potential — and whatever -ness suits them best.

  • Understanding and assessment

    Every child has a unique story, strengths, obstacles, hopes, and goals. We use therapy, psychoeducational testing, and observations to get to know them to provide the support they need.

  • Interventions, therapy, and skills

    Ness360 provides therapeutic interventions and support unique to each child to help them thrive, including therapy, executive functioning support, and skills training and toolkits.

  • Family and school support

    To help you help your child, Ness360 offers workshops, tailored home routines, and support navigating school programs and supports, such as 503 plans and IEPs.

Help From Every Angle

When we provide therapeutic services for children and adolescents, the goal is to first build a comprehensive view of what’s going on. We listen, we observe, and we learn what the client needs to help them thrive wherever they are. We teach the child skills and strategies for managing whatever obstacles may be limiting their learning, social relationships, or emotional well-being. At the same time, we educate parents on ways to help support children with these interventions at home and at school. These CBT-informed skills for executive functioning and planning, managing stress and anxiety, processing and regulating emotions, alleviating depression symptoms, and navigating social and learning differences, can help build the foundation for children and teens to cope more effectively throughout their lives.


Full list of issues that we treat for children and adolescents:

  • Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, panic disorders, and phobias

  • Depression

  • Behavioral Concerns

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Anger Management

  • Social Skills Difficulties

  • Twice Exceptional

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and executive functioning difficulties

  • Academic concerns and learning difficulties, including dyslexia and dysgraphia

  • School-related challenges, including school refusal and bullying

Building Your -Ness Together

Each of our clients has a unique story and we love getting to know it. We’ll work together to find the most appropriate CBT-informed tools you can employ to find the “-ness” you seek. We offer individual and couples therapy sessions in person and virtually.

  • Stacey Lessans, Psy.D.

    Owner & Founder

  • Jamie Eiseman, Psy.D.

  • Erica Adler, LCSW

  • Jamie Sall, LMSW

  • Emily George, LCSW, MS.Ed.

  • Lexi Katz, B.A.